Friday, 31 December 2010


today....a country scene with NO SNOW....well might be a few bits here and there...!!
Happy New Year to all my followers and new found 2010 friends .

Thursday, 30 December 2010


sold two more paintings today and managed to paint three more...can't wait to get back to painting...roll on next week.
Had the family visit today and had to cater for 14 people....I'd much rather paint...

Wednesday, 29 December 2010


Adding a touch of colour today.....another aceo that will be listed in my folksy shop soon
Been shopping and I AM WORN

Tuesday, 28 December 2010


well it has rained all day and now nearly all the snow has gone....thank goodness for that.
I just got my paints out and have listed the first one on ebay...just got to get some done now for Folksy and Etsy.
or click on the ebay link on

Monday, 27 December 2010


it is RAINING....wooohoooo...I never thought that I would be glad to see rain !!! The snow is slowly melting...which is brilliant because it will make the roads a lot safer !!
I can't wait to get back to my painting...I get fed up with sitting just watching tv......

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Boxing day

Been out visiting today but glad to be back home again...I am staying in now until Wednesday at least....
very cold outside......

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Friday, 24 December 2010

Christmas eve

well I have been experimenting in monochrome and here is my first effort.
Happy Christmas everyone

Thursday, 23 December 2010


One last shopping trip was manic out there....
Now one last day of painting before putting everything away for a few days......

Wednesday, 22 December 2010


woohoo...I can get the car out !!!!!!! I haven't been able to move it since last Thursday...and now the sun is shining the the snow on the road is melting....all looking good for Christmas at last !!
Here is another of my paintings...this one sold on Folksy a few days ago......

Tuesday, 21 December 2010


I might have shown this picture before but I have lost the plot
Today my daughter and I spent three hours out in the road chiselling ice off the road......we haven't been able to get out since last Thursday and I need to shop. My Asda delivery got cancelled and when i tried to rebook it...all the slots were full up....not fair I HAVE to get out to get supplies...Only got two potatoes left and no dinners.....!!!

Monday, 20 December 2010


well, we are well and truly snowed in one can move their I took the opportunity to follow a few lessons on youtube and this painting is the result...I am quite pleased with it....even if it IS of

Sunday, 19 December 2010


still snowed here is a more summery pic to cheer us all up......
I have been practicing skies and trees etc....still got a lot to learn but enjoying it...
Looks like we won't be able to get out tomorrow as there is more snow forecast....I just hope that I can get out ONE day this week as we will run out of groceries and Asda have cancelled our delivery today !

Saturday, 18 December 2010


well we are still snowed I have been busy painting, so that I have a stockpile for listing after Christmas....
The only cars able to get along our road are 4 wheel drives and even those are skidding all over the place....
I am staying IN !!!
Hopefully it will all be gone by Monday as I will need food by then. I have an Asda order for tomorrow but right now it looks unlikely that they will be able to make it to this space...

Friday, 17 December 2010


Heavy snow this morning....9 inches so far....
Time to stay in the warm and paint.
No one in the road is able to get out and everyone is having an extra day off work.......

Wednesday, 15 December 2010


A touch of pink today......thought I'd be a bit different.
Today ....another Christmas dinner permitting !!!!! I missed it last year so hopefully I will be able to get there today......
It is the best Christmas dinner of the season, so I would hate to miss it just because of a bit of snow.


another tiny painting which I listed this morning and has sold already....woohoo....
Been shopping all day in I need to get painting this evening !!

Tuesday, 14 December 2010


here is a zendoodle that I did at the weekend....Done in pen and ink and then colour was added afterwards.
The sun is shining and I hope it lasts until the weekend as we are forecast heavy snow....mmm......

Monday, 13 December 2010


well I didn't post yesterday because I was full of cold and had a runny I took myself to bed early......
Today I managed to take pics of the 6 paintings that I did on here is the first of them......
I am still full of cold but have lots to do, so no going to bed early
I have been watching a lot of youtube demos to learn how to paint this was my first attempt at a new technique......

Saturday, 11 December 2010


Well no picture today....haven't had time to take the photos....I have lots of paintings finished and ready to list but have been busy with Christmas things
Hope everyone is busy too

Friday, 10 December 2010


this is my little craft corner...not too untidy...well compared to some of the pics I have seen on the folksy forum this morning, this is positively TIDY...
I have the settee covered because the fabric on it was wearing thing and the springs have started to I sit on a booster cushion and a few blankets...Also two cushions so that I can sit upright to craft and paint. There are lots of boxes under the table full of cards, paintings and books where I have a list of everything that I list, names and addresses of customers etc.

Thursday, 9 December 2010


full of cold today but it will all be gone in a day or two. I don't take tablets...just ride the storm.....
Here is a painting that I did a while ago......haven't had the chance to paint today.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010


The first of my Christmas dinners today...well the "organised" ones..... I love it when I don't have to cook. It leaves more time for painting and crafting....
Here is another snowscene that i did last night...
There is a painting challenge on folksy and since it has trees in it...I am going to give it a go !! No prizes, it is just to see everyone's different enterpretation of the same picture.
All of my artwork and artwork of some talented people can be see on
My link is
I am also on etsy
and on ebay which you can link to through my website

Tuesday, 7 December 2010


Painted this one this morning...then I printed off a copy for myself and laminated it (I don't have access to good printing)..I am glad that I did because it has sold already...lucky lady who bought it because I almost kept the original for myself !!!

Monday, 6 December 2010


It's my birthday today...64 !!! Singing Beatles
I have just listed this painting in my Folksy shop...beautiful day, sun shining...thick frost outside but that doesn't matter because I am inside !!!

Sunday, 5 December 2010


a cold day today, even though the sun has been shining all day.......
short and sweet today....hope everyone is keeping warm....

Saturday, 4 December 2010


still snow free...heavy rain today so we went to town while the roads were ok. Parking was another matter. Fortunately we have access to a free car park in Age Concern in town, so we used that one instead. Meant a 5 minute walk but better than looking for a space in the multi storey and paying £3.
Yesterday a very kind lady helped me learn how to crop pictures with a site called picnik.....all I need to learn now is how to take photos from a different distance that are still nice and clear.
Having an early night tonight...will sit in bed watching xfactore and hubby will bring me cups of tea....I should have been royalty...!!

Friday, 3 December 2010


we are still snow free fact, it is raining here now although I believe there is snow about 5 miles away.
I have been trying to learn how to crop pics today but am not doing very well at it.....sigh...why is it that when kind people tell you to do something and say what will happen, it never does on my pc.
I painted this tiny aceo this morning......I am enjoying learning how to paint landscapes...

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


well, we are SO lucky here....still no snow and this morning there is not even a frost on the car !!!!
We managed to get out to a concert last night and although it was cold, snow or frost.
Here is another of my paintings...I am still working on painting landscapes...a big learning curve for me, as I spent years just doing faces !!!


No snow today just a heavy frost.....

I am still practicing my landscapes. I am quite pleased with this one. Now my dilemma is where to list it. I would like to put it in my folksy shop but they square off the images and that means that the picture , on show to the public, gets cut off on each side. I might have to put it in my etsy shop instead. I just hope it sells...