Tuesday, 30 November 2010


well apart from a very slight dusting of snow this morning we have been snow free here. The council even gritted our road...which is NEVER done...oh the joys of having a councillor living a few doors away......
Here is another of my snow scenes.....
you might gather that I love purple...lol

Monday, 29 November 2010


well here in South Wales, the sun is shining and most of the snow has gone....it is still very cold though.
Here is an aceo that I did yesterday...I might list it later or tomorrow.
I have to go shopping today so I might not have time.

Sunday, 28 November 2010


very cold today...I listed this cartoon card in my folksy shop
I also listed two aceos in my etsy shop.
Spent all day waiting for my Asda delivery which was 4 1/2 hours late without a single courtesy phone call...not happy and have complained. The least they could do is to phone me and then I could have made other arrangements for the day instead of waiting and not being able to get on with anything in case they came !!!!

Saturday, 27 November 2010


well, a lot of the UK looks like this right now. It snowed overnight but only a scattering....I hope we don't get any more...but I somehow suspect that we will....
I listed this pic in my folksy shop and it has already sold...
I need to do some more snow scenes....

Friday, 26 November 2010


this aceo was listed on Folksy this morning. So many artists on folksy are having a try at aceos....we are hoping now to get lots of buyers for them. They are so collectable and some of the artists on folksy are doing some amazing work.
My folksy addy is
or you can go to www.folksy.com and search aceo
It snowed here at lunchtime but it has melted again at the moment., The next panice days will be Tuesday and Wednesday....we had NO summer and now an early winter...here's hoping that Jan and Feb will bring a heatwave.!!!

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Thursday 25th November

One month to Christmas and there is thick frost outside.
Here is another encaustic painting...I love the effects that wax gives when added to shiny card....it would take ages to get a similar effect with a paint brush.
the more you look at encaustic paintings, the more you tend to see...a bit like looking at clouds !
Hope everyone is snow free......the sun is shining here....looks like summer outside now....lol...as long as you don't look at the cars with the ice all over them !!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010


today a Christmas Westie aceo which is now on ebay.
I have got all the potential artists on Folksy interested in aceos.....Hopefully we can then get customers interested too...
It is so nice to collect these tiny paintings and they are fun to paint too.....
I need to paint a bit faster. Spent a lot of time typing documents for Age Concern today so didn't have a lot of time....perhaps tomorrow....

Tuesday, 23 November 2010


here is another tiny aceo painting. Misty mountain trees.
a bit like the view from our house when we are in the clouds...
We have blue skies and sunshine today which is strange as most of the UK has been forecast ice and snow...I hope we don't get any. At the moment it is elsewhere in the UK...so I am sitting here with fingers crossed.
I need to get more painting done today.....

Monday, 22 November 2010


Another encaustic painting today.....
My son has an online ebay shop and over the weekend he sold over 100 items...how good is that????
Wish I could sell a fraction of that in paintings...sigh....
Never mind, I love what I do......
cold today but no frost or ice this morning. People are talking about snow but I have just checked out the forecast for this area and it all seems ok here....

Sunday, 21 November 2010


well Today when my Asda order arrived the driver gave me a nice book full of money off coupons....I am tempted to sell them on ebay because they are absolutely NO USE TO ME...you see, you can only use them in the shop and the shop is 10 miles away ! If I spend the money on petrol to get there the discounts will be of no value. You CANNOT use them online...how STUPID is that ????
SO....I consoled myself with painting this thank you card. School has only a few weeks to go and lots of people will be giving their teachers little Christmas presents, so I am hoping that this card will sell in my Folksy shop

Saturday, 20 November 2010


went to the local market this morning...bought lots of cakes....mmm...naughty....
We took a minibus full of wrinklies there on a trip. I lot of them have lived nearby all their lives but never been to this market before !!
Here is another encaustic painting of a fairy in a cavern....very delicate colours on this one....
I have also just drawn three cartoons ready to mount onto card stock and then they will be listed either in etsy or folksy....
My ebay bill came in today....ouch...left me out of pocket...not good !!

Friday, 19 November 2010


Today,....here is an encaustic art painting...I love the colour mix. With encaustic art you are never quite sure what the finished result will be....that makes it a lot more fun.
Today the sun is shining and although the ground is damp it doesn't look like it will rain....
We are taking a lot of elderly people to the market tomorrow. I hope they enjoy their trip and find some good bargains.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


a wet day here today but thankfully the ice that was on the car last night has melted and gone. There doesn't appear to be any wind out there either. I had one sale on ebay last night and am now going to put a few of my paintings into my etsy shop. No point in leaving them in a box doing nothing. If you want to view my paintings here is the link
If you want to see the cards that are for sale then those are in my folksy shop
this painting was done yesterday and might go on ebay...I haven't decided yet....
I need to get started on addressing my Christmas cards !!


Just listed this tiny painting in my etsy shop
I also have a similar one (NOT the same) in my ebay listings which you can access through my website
very stormy and windy here today but there is some blue sky on the horizon so hopefully, it will brighten up later!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010


Today I listed this Scottish Dancer cartoon card in my Etsy shop
I have had some wonderful help from kind people on the Etsy Forums....listing is easy but the promoting is far more complex....a bit of a minefield. One thing I have discovered is that if you google Gweddusart, both my website AND my folksy shop come up at the top of the list which is great.
All I need now is customers !!!
Tonight I hope to paint some more aceos...these are tiny collectable paintings that you can display in photo albums...a good way to invest in art without having to find too much wall space.

Sunday, 14 November 2010


Well, thanks to the help of a lot of lovely people (they know who they are) I am a lot more enthusiastic today. I was beginning to think that my work wasn't good enough to sell.
Thank you one and all. I am now making plans for listing more pictures...particularly on etsy.
you can take a look at my etsy shop here


and also please take a look at some of the fantastic art on there.....by some lovely people.

Ice on the car this morning...brrrr....don't feel like going out but we are helping at the Age Concern day centre today so will have to scrape the ice !!


no picture today...thought that would make a change. Feeling a bit despondent today....I have spent more money since April than I have taken in sales...that can't be good can it..??
I shall continue painting though....maybe soon when people have got a few more pence in their pocket they might start buying again.....

Saturday, 13 November 2010


today I listed this "I love Chocolate " cartoon on ebay.....
most of us love chocolate.....is this you??
Not much going on today, so I will do some more painting while I watch xfactor...

Friday, 12 November 2010


survived last night's storm....the windows are covered in sand now !!!!
Folksy have today introduced categories into their shops and so it is easier now to find which of my work are paintings and which are greetings cards... People often don't read the bio and I worry that they will think they are buying a card and receive a painting !!
This one is a PAINTING.....an aceo which is a tiny painting(work of art) 2.5" x 3.5"
People buy these and display them in photo albums. It is an easier way to collect art without wondering where you are going to hang it....not enough wall space...
ATC's for those that don't know are the same except they are given as gifts or swapped....no money changes hands.
SO if you want, you can BUY an aceo and then give it away (it then becomes an ATC...art trading card).
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.!

Thursday, 11 November 2010


Today a cartoon greetings card of a Welsh lady. I made this because I am part of a Welsh team on the etsy forums and we wanted to put some Welsh items in our shops.
this card is for sale on
Pouring with rain today but at least I don't have to scrape ice off the car when I go out later...
I shall be glad when I get back home again as it is still quite cold outside.
roll on the weekend...

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


today a purple fairy...well the fairy isn't purple but most of the painting is...lol....
I shall list this one on ebay later along with some cartoons.
to access my ebay go to
http://www.gweddusart.co.uk and click on the ebay link
To see my hand made cards go to
and to see more of my paintings
Thick ice on the car this morning and it is STILL there. Our car doesn't get any sun until at least 2 pm....I have to go out at 2pm, so I am hoping that it will all be gone by then......
I hope everyone reading this is being very productive and selling well for Christmas...

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


This painting has been done with pearlised paints and cosmic shimmer paints. I love the finished effect.... It was just an experiment and I will probably end up giving it to someone as a gift (ATC). I usually give a freebie to anyone who buys anything from me , so this can go into storage for the next sale.
Quite cold outside today.....roll on Summer...lol...

Monday, 8 November 2010


I have been painting some cartoons for ebay....I thought I would do an Irish dancer, as they would appeal to both people in the UK and also in the US...(I hope)
I might then do some more cartoon cards....watch this space.
to see my ebay listings search gweddus and to see my cards go to

Sunday, 7 November 2010


Ihave just listed this thank you card in my folksy shop. It is a card to send to a nurse or hospital to say Thank You. I did quite a few cartoons yesterday, some of which I will put on ebay later.
The sun is shining and it looks like being a nice day. I am watching the knitting programmes on Create and craft. I cannot believe (well yes I can) that they want (with P&P) £70 for 500g of Rowan yarn...no wonder people go to the market to buy their knitwear !!!! OK...so I know that the market quality is not the same but I think £70 is exhorbitant...especially when you STILL have to make the garment. I spent most of my life , designing, knitting and selling so I know all about yarns, patterns, knitting and crochet but I still think that those prices put it out of reach of most people !!! (off my soapbox now)....

Saturday, 6 November 2010


I am still trying my hand at scenes.....I also want to get some more cards made and some more cartoons painted.....
to see my cards go to
to see my paintings go to
to see my online auctions search gweddus on ebay.co.uk
A beautiful day here and I had a nice lie in and then watched create and craft for a while. Tomorrow is 5 hours of knitting....including a silver reed knitting machine. I earned my living from machine knitting for many years and sold suits in Harrods and to tv personalites.....those were the days.....

Friday, 5 November 2010


here is one of my cartoons....for music lovers !!!!
A wet windy bonfire night and the first loud bang just went off....nearly spilt my paints !!!!!
Hope everyone had a productive weekend.
To see my artwork go to

Thursday, 4 November 2010


Here is Grandma, had a nice dinner and now having her afternoon nap....ssssh don't wake her up. and don't tread on her knitting....

Wednesday, 3 November 2010


Took my hubby to the dentist today. he had lost his two front capped teeth....cost £500 to have them put back !!!!!!!!
Sheesh I need to sell more paintings and cards....anyone want to buy a painting or a card??

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


well Christmas is looming and there are presents to buy. If any of you are looking for a nice original present go to
http://www.folksy.com/ this is an online craft shop where you can find unique and unusual gifts .
This painting is listed on ebay search gweddus to find my listings or go to
http://www.gweddusart.co.uk/ and click on the ebay link on the left.

Monday, 1 November 2010


Here is one of my baby congratulations cards..... I do them in pink and in blue....you can find them in my folksy shop....
I have made a lot of envelopes today....I took some to the post office with sales inside and the lady in the post office wanted to know where I got them from....Pity people wouldn't pay the price for a beautiful envelope !!!
It is now 5 pm and dark already......soon be Christmas...I hope that sales continue well....I sold three paintings on ebay last week....search gweddus to see my paintings and if you want to see other paintings, they are in my etsy shop
time to paint.....